Kiss / Brighton 1984: Bruce Kulicks 1st Show / 2CDR

Kiss / Brighton 1984: Bruce Kulicks 1st Show / 2CDR / Shades

Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK 30th September 1984

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

KISS in 1984 found the right person Bruce Kulick after many twists and turns. A superb live album that pops out the extremely rare songs “Burn Bitch Burn” and “Get All You Can Take” as its debut gig is now available.
Such a historic show was held at “September 30, 1984 in Brighton”. This work is a superb audience recording that vacuum-packed the whole story. The official guitarist at that time was Mark St. John, and initially Bruce joined the tour as his pinch hitter. However, Mark has returned at some shows on the “ANIMALIZE Tour”, and the official soundboard “POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK, 1984” at that time also became a hot topic. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s organize the situation at that time with a schedule.

● 1984
・ January 1-March 17: North America # 1 (53 performances) ← * TORONTO 1984
《Vinnie Vincent left in March → Joined Mark St. John in April》
《“ANIMALIZE” released on September 13th》
《Mark’s physical condition → Bruce Kulick participation》
・September 30-November 5: Europe (29 performances) ← Coco
・ November 15-December 18: North America #2a (7 performances)
* November 27th-29th: North America # 2b (mark return 3 performances) ← * Official POUGHKEEPSIE 1984
・December 2-7: North America #2c (5 performances)
《December 8, Bruce Kulick officially joins》
・December 8-30: North America #2d (12 performances) ← *Official LIVE UNCENSORED
● 1985
・ January 3-March 29: North America # 2e (63 performances) ← * CALGARY / NEW JERSEY 1985
《“ASYLUM” released on September 16th》
・November 29-December 31: North America #3 (23 performances)

This is the 1984/1985 KISS. Mark developed arthritis during tour rehearsals and was out before it started. Bruce stood on the stage from the beginning of the tour. The Brighton performance of this work was the first day of Lee on such a world tour (By the way, Mark was able to return to the tour only for three performances “North America # 2b”. was).
It is also known that such a first day has been recorded for a long time, and this work is the best master of it. Our shop has been supervised by overseas KISS researchers, but this work is an inscription excavated from the researcher’s collection. The sound is extremely brilliant with a slight vintage feel. The vividness of the contours and the strength of the core are as clear as a laser beam, and the atmosphere is crystal clear, and between songs, you can even hear the minute electromagnetic noise that is generated from the on-site amplifier. About. Although the sound of the snare has a sense of air, it is an exceptional direct sound that is only like an audience.
A full show that pops out the ultimate rare repertoire that is depicted with such a shining clear sound. Speaking of “ANIMALIZE Tour”, the official video “ANIMALIZE LIVE UNCENSORED” is the standard, so let’s organize the set while comparing.

● Animalize (5 songs)
・I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire) (★)/Burn Bitch Burn (★★)/Under The Gun/Get All You Can Take (★★)/Heaven’s On Fire
● Others (12 songs)
・ Dark Myth: War Machine / I Still Love You / I Love It Loud / Creatures Of The Night
・Reminiscences of Hell: Fits Like A Glove/Young And Wasted/Lick It Up
・70s Classics: Detroit Rock City/Cold Gin/Strutter (★)/Love Gun/Rock And Roll All Nite
* Note: “★” marks are songs that are not in “ANIMALIZE LIVE UNCENSORED”. In particular, the “★★” mark is a super limited edition song that is only available once that day.

… and it looks like this. Attention is the new song group of “ANIMALIZE”. Five songs are being played on a large scale, but the contents are also shocking. From the beginning, it starts with “I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire)”, which can not be heard in the official video, and after that, “Burn Bitch Burn” and “Get All You Can Take” are shown. These two songs were set off the next day, and it is the ultimate rare song that this Brighton performance is exactly once in the history of KISS.
Furthermore, the balance of only five 70’s classics is also valuable. The officially excavated “POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK, 1984” was also a dizzying rarity, but this work is not defeated. You can experience the precious and fresh full show with the highest quality sound. An absolute live album that is absolutely essential for the collection. Please enjoy yourself with the highest peak master.

★ The best audience recording of “Brighton performance on September 30, 1984”. The vividness of the contours and the strength of the core are brilliant sounds like laser beams, and the atmosphere is crystal clear, and even the fine electromagnetic noise of the on-site amplifier can be heard. Starting with the precious “I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire)”, you can experience the best full show that pops out the rare songs “Burn Bitch Burn” and “Get All You Can Take” that are played only once this day. increase.

紆余曲折を経て適任者ブルース・キューリックを見いだせた1984年のKISS。そのデビュー・ギグにして激レア曲「Burn Bitch Burn」「Get All You Can Take」も飛び出す極上ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな歴史的なショウが行われたのは「1984年9月30日ブライトン公演」。本作は、その一部始終を真空パックした極上オーディエンス録音です。当時の正式ギタリストはマーク・セント・ジョンであり、当初ブルースは代打でツアーに参加。ただし“ANIMALIZE Tour”も一部のショウではマークが復帰しており、その際の公式サウンドボード『POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK, 1984』も話題となりました。良い機会でもありますので、それらも交えて当時の状況をスケジュールで整理してみましょう。

・1月1日ー3月17日:北米#1(53公演)←※TORONTO 1984
*11月27日ー29日:北米#2b(マーク復帰3公演)←※公式POUGHKEEPSIE 1984
・12月8日ー30日:北米#2d(12公演)←※公式LIVE UNCENSORED
・1月3日ー3月29日:北米#2e(63公演)←※CALGARY/NEW JERSEY 1985

そんな輝くほどのクリア・サウンドで画かれるのは、究極的にレアなレパートリーも飛び出すフルショウ。“ANIMALIZE Tour”と言えば公式映像『ANIMALIZE LIVE UNCENSORED』が基準ですので、比較しつつセットを整理してみましょう。

・I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire)(★)/Burn Bitch Burn(★★)/Under The Gun/Get All You Can Take(★★)/Heaven’s On Fire
・暗黒の神話:War Machine/I Still Love You/I Love It Loud/Creatures Of The Night
・地獄の回想:Fits Like A Glove/Young And Wasted/Lick It Up
・70年代クラシックス:Detroit Rock City/Cold Gin/Strutter(★)/Love Gun/Rock And Roll All Nite
※注:「★」印は『ANIMALIZE LIVE UNCENSORED』にない曲。特に「★★」印はこの日1回だけの超・限定曲。

……と、このようになっています。注目は『ANIMALIZE』の新曲群。5曲も大盤振る舞いされているわけですが、その中身も衝撃的。冒頭からいきなり公式映像で聴けない「I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire)」でスタートしますし、その後も「Burn Bitch Burn」「Get All You Can Take」を披露している。この2曲は翌日にはセット落ちしており、KISS全史でもこのブライトン公演1回こっきりという究極のレア曲なのです。
さらに言えば、70年代クラシックスがわずか5曲というバランスも貴重。公式発掘された『POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK, 1984』も目も眩むようなレア度でしたが、本作も負けていないのです。何から何まで貴重で新鮮なフルショウを極上級サウンドで現場体験できる。まさにコレクションに不可欠な絶対ライヴアルバム。どうぞ、最高峰マスターで存分にお楽しみください。

★「1984年9月30日ブライトン公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。輪郭の鮮やかさも芯の力強さもレーザー光線のようなブリリアント・サウンドで、空気感もクリスタル・クリアに透き通っていて現場アンプの微細な電磁ノイズまで聞こえるほど。貴重な「I’ve Had Enough (Into The Fire)」でスタートし、この日1回しか演奏していない激レア曲「Burn Bitch Burn」「Get All You Can Take」も飛び出すフルショウを極上体験できます。

Disc 1 (49:20)
1. Intro
2. I’ve Had Enough (Into the Fire)★オープニング激レア
3. Detroit Rock City
4. Burn Bitch Burn★★この日のみ演奏
5. Cold Gin
6. Strutter
7. Guitar Solo
8. Under the Gun
9. Fits Like a Glove
10. Get All You Can Take★★この日のみ演奏
11. Drum Solo
12. Young and Wasted

Disc 2 (44:06)
1. MC
2. Heaven’s on Fire
3. War Machine
4. I Still Love You
5. Bass Solo
6. I Love It Loud
7. MC
8. Love Gun
9. Creatures of the Night
10. Rock and Roll All Nite
11. Lick It Up

Paul Stanley – Vocal & Guitar
Gene Simmons – Vocal & Bass
Bruce Kulick – Guitar
Eric Carr – Drums

Shades 1726

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