Genesis / Southampton 1977 2nd Night / 2CD

Genesis / Southampton 1977 2nd Night / 2CD / Virtuoso
Live at Gaumont Theatre, Southampton, UK 20th January 1977 STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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Steve Hackett’s last “WIND & WUTHERING Tour”. The finest sound board representing the world tour that produced the masterpiece “SECONDS OUT” has been upgraded. Two works refined by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering will be released at the same time.
What is engraved in this work is the first of such two series. It is a transcendental stereo sound board recording of “January 20, 1977 Southampton performance”. Two iconic soundboards will be released at the same time in “WIND & WUTHERING Tour” this week, and the super-famous board “DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977 (Virtuoso 474/475)” is also reigning as a big staple in our shop. In order to understand each position, let’s first look back on the schedule at that time.

・ January 1-23: UK (21 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ February 2-May 1: North America (45 performances) ← * SAN FRANCISCO 1977
・ May 10-22: South America (12 performances)
“May 20th release of” SPOT THE PIGEON “”
・ June 2-July 3: Europe (22 performances) ← * DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977
《Steve Hackett withdrawal》
“October 14” SECONDS OUT “released”

This is 1977 GENESIS. The album was released in December 1976, but the tour started on New Year’s Day 1977, when the year changed. The circuit was in England, my home country, and the Sound Hampton performance of this work was the 17th concert.
Such a show has long been a staple of the finest soundboards, and has been upgraded over the years as the fate of a masterpiece. Among them, the highest peak master of all time was discovered in 2009. It was our “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON (Virtuoso 061/062)”. It has been called “official class” for a long time, but the master sound with an even more direct feeling was wonderful as if it was upgraded from “excavation official class” to “official masterpiece class”. This work is the highest peak update board of a large classic sound board with such a history. It is a new standard suitable for the anniversary year, which is the 45th anniversary of the show.
The base of this work is the current best “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON” master. It is refined by the detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. The upgrade master was unearthed for the simultaneous release of “SAN FRANCISCO 1977 1ST NIGHT”, but the “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON” master still did not give up the title.
And that polishing is overwhelming. If you have noticed this article, you may have experienced the “GRAF ZEPPELIN” remaster, but its feature is “paranoid accuracy”. Pitch correction does not allow random changes, and phase shift is corrected by pursuing up to 1/1000 second. Even the slightest momentary noise is carefully removed one by one, and the balance is adjusted by band analysis. As a matter of fact, the “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON” master is not “just like a different thing” because it is an “official masterpiece class”, but its accuracy is definitely the highest ever. We are updating the best quality that exists.
To be honest, you may not really feel it, but for example, gap noise processing. If you also have “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON”, please listen to “Robbery, Assault And Battery” around 6:10 and “Firth Of Fifth” around 8:37. However, please use headphones instead of speakers. There is a fine gap that can only be understood by concentrating, and this work is also neatly arranged. Of course, this is just an example. It’s also a very trivial example that I want you to be surprised at “To such a toco !?” These points have been fixed so much that they cannot be mentioned in the entire two-disc set.
If you mention one more thing, low frequency hum noise may be easy to understand. This also covers the entire album, but even in the conventional version, you may have noticed only the silence between the songs. In this work, such a trivial noise has been removed cleanly. As a result, the “depth of silence” is increasing even in the performance part, which leads to an unconscious upgrade that “I don’t know why, but I feel that the outline of the performance is clear”.
The highest peak sound is drawn because it is the beginning of the tour, which is different from “DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977”. Let’s organize the set while comparing here.

● Trick of the Tale
・ Squonk / Robbery, Assault & Battery / Dance On A Volcano / Los Endos
● Storm of silence
・ One For The Vine (*) / Your Own Special Way (★ *) / … In That Quiet Earth (*) / Afterglow / Eleventh Earl Of Mar (*) / All In A Mouse’s Night (★ *)
● Gabriel era classics
・ The Musical Box (Closing Section)
・ Foxtrot: Supper’s Ready
・ Selling England by the Moon: Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
・ The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway: The Carpet Crawlers / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
* Note: “*” Marks are songs that cannot be heard in “SECONDS OUT”. The “★” mark is a song that cannot be heard in the late representative SBD “DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977”.

…… And it looks like this. “Your Own Special Way”, which was dropped at the end of the set, is delicious, but the more important point is the new song “All In A Mouse’s Night”. Far from not playing on a later tour, it is a limited song only for the “UK” leg. You can enjoy such extremely rare songs on a completely official sound board.
If the previous edition “WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON” was “Official Masterpiece Class”, this work could be said to be “Official High Quality CD Class”. In other words, it is an upgrade from the perspective of “approaching the master tape to the limit” like the prestigious MSFL and Nimbus in the official neighborhood. Because it is a sound board comparable to the official masterpiece, the “extreme sound” that could be pursued. Please experience it with the permanent storage press 2CD.

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★ Phase correction
★ Disc1 3Tr 6:10, Disc1 5tr 8:37 and other 5-6 gap noise reduction
★ Corrected that the pitch is low until around 4:20 seconds when Disc1 starts.
★ Low frequency noise reduction (mainly Disc 1). I think this makes it feel a little refreshing.
★ Disc2 Replace the drop-down part in the Atama monaural with another master’s stereo.

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★ Transcendental stereo sound board recording of “January 20, 1977 Southampton Performance”. It is the highest peak update board that further refined the highest peak master of the past by the detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. Pitch correction does not allow random changes, phase shift is pursued to 1/1000 second and corrected, and balance is adjusted by band analysis. The ultimate sound with beautifully arranged gap noise of “Robbery, Assault And Battery” and “Firth Of Fifth” that you wouldn’t notice without headphones, and a delicious tour of “Your Own Special Way” and the extremely rare “All In A Mouse’s Night”. You can enjoy a full show only at the beginning.

スティーヴ・ハケット最後となった“WIND & WUTHERING Tour”。名作『SECONDS OUT』を生んだワールド・ツアーを代表する極上サウンドボードがアップグレード。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで磨き上げられた2作品が同時リリース決定です。
本作に刻まれているのは、そんな2連作の第一弾。「1977年1月20日サウスハンプトン公演」の超絶級ステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。今週は“WIND & WUTHERING Tour”でも象徴的なサウンドボード2本が同時リリースとなりますし、当店では超名盤『DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977(Virtuoso 474/475)』も大定番として君臨している。それぞれのポジションを把握する意味でも、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

・1月1日ー23日:英国(21公演) ←★ココ★
・2月2日ー5月1日:北米(45公演)←※SAN FRANCISCO 1977
《5月20日『SPOT THE PIGEON』発売》
・6月2日ー7月3日:欧州(22公演)←※DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977
《10月14日『SECONDS OUT』発売》

そんなショウは以前から極上サウンドボードが定番中の大定番であり、名作の宿命として長い年月の中でアップグレードも繰り返してきました。その中でも歴代の最高峰マスターが発掘されたのが2009年。当店の『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON(Virtuoso 061/062)』でした。古くから「オフィシャル級」と呼ばれてきたわけですが、さらにダイレクト感が増したマスター・サウンドは「発掘オフィシャル級」から「オフィシャル名盤級」に格上げされたような素晴らしさでした。本作は、そんな歴史を持つ大定番サウンドボードの最高峰更新盤。ショウの現場から45周年というアニバーサリー・イヤーに相応しい新定番なのです。
そんな本作のベースとなっているのは、現行ベストとなる『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON』マスター。それを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き込んだものです。同時リリースの『SAN FRANCISCO 1977 1ST NIGHT』はアップグレード・マスターが発掘されたわけですが、こちらは今なお『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON』マスターが王座を譲らなかったのです。
そして、その磨き込みこそが圧倒的。本稿に目を留められた方なら「GRAF ZEPPELIN」リマスターを体験された事があると思いますが、その特徴は「偏執的な精度」。ピッチ修正はランダムな変化も許さず、位相ズレは1/1000秒まで追及して補整。ごくわずかな一瞬のノイズも1つひとつ丁寧に除去し、帯域分析でバランスも整えるのです。実のところ『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON』マスターは「オフィシャル名盤級」なために、「まるで別物」とはなっていないのですが、その精度は間違いなく過去最高。現存するベスト・クオリティを更新しているのです。
正直に申しますとあまり実感はできないかも知れませんが、例えばギャップ・ノイズ処理。もし『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON』もお持ちでしたら「Robbery, Assault And Battery」の6:10付近や「Firth Of Fifth」の8:37付近を聴き比べて頂きたい。ただし、スピーカーではなくヘッドフォンでお願いします。集中してやっと分かるような微細なギャップがあり、本作はそれも綺麗に整えられているのです。もちろん、これはあくまでも一例。それも「こんなトコまで!?」と驚いて頂きたいという超些細な例。こうしたポイントが2枚組全体で挙げきれないほど直されているわけです。
そんな最高峰サウンドで描かれるのは、『DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977』とも異なるツアー序盤だからこそのフルショウ。ここで比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・Squonk/Robbery, Assault & Battery/Dance On A Volcano/Los Endos
・One For The Vine(*)/Your Own Special Way(★*)/…In That Quiet Earth(*)/Afterglow/Eleventh Earl Of Mar(*)/All In A Mouse’s Night(★*)
・怪奇骨董音楽箱:The Musical Box (Closing Section)
・フォックストロット:Supper’s Ready
・月影の騎士:Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
・眩惑のブロードウェイ:The Carpet Crawlers/The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
※注:「*」印は『SECONDS OUT』で聴けない曲。「★」印は後期の代表SBD『DEFINITIVE ZURICH 1977』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。終盤ではセット落ちした「Your Own Special Way」も美味しいですが、それ以上にポイントなのが新曲の「All In A Mouse’s Night」。後のツアーで演奏していないどころか、「英国」レッグだけの限定曲。そんな激レア曲を完全オフィシャル級サウンドボードで楽しめるのです。
前回盤『WINDY DAY SOUTHAMPTON』が「オフィシャル名盤級」だとするなら、本作は「オフィシャル高音質CD級」と言えるかも知れません。つまり、オフィシャル界隈の名門MSFLやニンバスのような「マスターテープに極限まで迫る」という視点でのアップグレードなのです。オフィシャル名盤に匹敵するほどのサウンドボードだからこそ、追及し得た“極みの音”。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。



★Disc1 3Tr 6:10付近、Disc1 5tr 8:37付近ほか5-6箇所ギャップノイズ除去


★「1977年1月20日サウスハンプトン公演」の超絶級ステレオ・サウンドボード録音。歴代の最高峰マスターをさらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き込んだ最高峰更新盤です。ピッチ修正はランダムな変化も許さず、位相ズレは1/1000秒まで追及して補整し、帯域分析でバランスも整える。ヘッドフォンでないと気づかないような「Robbery, Assault And Battery」「Firth Of Fifth」のギャップノイズも綺麗に整った究極サウンドで、「Your Own Special Way」や激レア「All In A Mouse’s Night」も美味しいツアー序盤だけのフルショウを楽しめます。


Disc 1 (67:43)
1. Squonk
2. One For The Vine
3. Robbery, Assault And Battery
4. Your Own Special Way
5. Firth Of Fifth
6. In That Quiet Earth
7. Afterglow
8. I Know What I Like
9. Eleventh Earl Of Mar

Disc 2 (59:45)
1. MC
2. Carpet Crawlers
3. All In A Mouse’s Night
4. Supper’s Ready
5. Dance On A Volcano
6. Drum Duet
7. Los Endos
8. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
9. The Musical Box (Closing Section)


Phil Collins – Lead Vocals, Drums, Percussions
Steve Hackett – Guitars, Bass Pedal
Mike Rutherford – Bass, Guitars, Bass Pedal, Backing Vocals
Tony Banks – Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Chester Thompson – Drums, Percussion

Virtuoso 474/475

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