Girlschool / Live & Studio 1978-1982 / 2CDR

Girlschool / Live & Studio 1978-1982 / 2CDR / Shades

Personal Mike Recording (from Original Masters). Stereo SBD

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GIRL SCHOOL, a pioneering band of female metal born from NWOBHM. Introducing a collection of hidden treasures that summarizes the golden age from the predecessor band PAINTED LADY to the masterpiece “SCREAMING BLUE MURDER”.
This work contains 3 types of studio recordings, 2 types of soundboard live, and 1 type of super-superb audience recording. Each is a golden age from formation to break, and it is a two-disc set that gathers the hidden treasure masters brought from the band officials at that time. Let’s introduce each sound source individually.

[DISC 1: Rehearsal in the PAINTED LADY era (August 1978: 7 songs)] First of all, the power of the related masters exploded from the beginning. It is a rehearsal tape of the time when they were still calling themselves “PAINTED LADY”. Although it sounds like a precious sound source, its contents are beyond imagination. It covers Stones’ “Jumping Jack Flash” and “Let’s Spend The Night Together” and UFO’s “Shoot Shoot”, and also plays three unreleased original songs.
It’s a treasure by itself, but the mood unique to rehearsal is also good. Practicing with the motif of LED ZEPPELIN’s “Rock And Roll”, a cute roaring voice can be heard leaking between performances. After all, the oldest Kelly Johnson at the time was just 20 years old a few months ago, and everyone else was a teenager. Anyway, the band is fun and youthful that it can’t be helped fills the closed room studio.

[DISC 1: Initial session (October 14, 1979: 4 songs)] The following sound source is also a studio session. They changed the band name to “GIRLSCHOOL” and made their debut in December 1978 with the single “Take It All Away”. After that, the production of the 1st album “DEMOLITION” started in April 1980, and this session was about half a year ago.
Although it was such an initial session, the content was already “pre-DEMOLITION”. Playing the initial versions of the four songs “Not For Sale,” “Nothing To Lose,” “Baby Doll,” and “Emergency,” which will be included in the album, the finish and sound will improve at once if you are a professional. You can enjoy a studio take with the best sound that can be an official bonus track.

[DISC 1: BBC IN CONCERT (1981: 9 songs)] It was a studio track so far, but finally the sound board live. This is BBC’s famous program “IN CONCERT” that appeared in early 1981. Unlike the so-called “BBC SESSION”, it is a concert live in front of the audience. I don’t know the detailed schedule, but it’s probably the appearance of the 2nd album “HIT AND RUN”, and the content is “DEMOLITION”. Seven songs have been bitten from “DEMOLITION”, which has already been a hot topic in the NWOBHM scene, and “Tush” and “The Hunter”, which will be recorded in “HIT AND RUN”, are also performed. By this time, he had already toured with MOTORHEAD and produced the co-star EP “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre”. BBC sound will entertain you with the burning rock’n’roll that was said to be “MOTORHEAD’s younger sister”.

[DISC 1: Rare Tracks (Bonus: 2 songs + α)] Disc 1 also contains an even more valuable bonus track. In addition to another mix of “Nothing To Lose” and “Race With The Devil”, this is a radio interview with the release of the legendary EP “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre”. Another mix of the finest sounds is also great, but the interview is still noteworthy. Kim McCorriff and Phil Taylor talk about heavy metal while playing “Please Don’t Touch”.

[DISC 2: Reading Festival Performance (August 28, 1981: 9 songs)] Instead, the disc 2 contains two types of live performances that have finally entered the golden age. The first was a live take when he appeared at the 1981 Reading Festival, which was also a highlight performance at the time. It was held for 3 days from August 28th to 30th, and they were selected as birds on the first day. At that time, it was four months after the release of “HIT AND RUN”, but even Steve Hackett and BUDGIE were following the undercard. It is exactly the vacuum packing of the golden age during the golden age.
Moreover, the sound is also the best. Actually, this is the only audience recording, but the quality is out of the common sense of guest recording. Despite the fact that studio recording and BBC broadcasting have continued so far, listening is not inferior at all. If the core is also on, the sense of distance is zero. The loud cheers were far away, and even if I listened with headphones, I doubted my ears, “Is it really an audience?” The stage drawn with that quality is the live version of “HIT AND RUN”, which won the 5th place in the UK. While showing 5 songs, which is half of the album, he jumps out to the B-side song “Tonight” of the single “Hit And Run”. Of course, the enthusiastic performance is also tremendous, and the burning heavy metal that seems to be the highlight of the career is exploding.

[DISC 2: Glasgow performance (June 3, 1982: 12 songs)] The last is a live stereo sound board again. This is the FM sound source of the Glasgow performance that was held 4 days before the release of the famous board “SCREAMING BLUE MURDER”. The live that shifted from a punkish explosive feeling to a metallic aggression is just the climax. The 12 songs recorded are the best of the early days with a balance of 5 songs from “SCREAMING BLUE MURDER”, 4 songs from “HIT AND RUN”, and 3 songs from “DEMOLITION”. The performance has also improved dramatically, and the ensemble, which has been a little rough so far, is sprinkled with a heavy feeling, and it is no longer a “sister of MOTORHEAD”, but has a personality as a female master of NWOBHM. Two months later, I will start to conquer the United States as a support for IRON MAIDEN and SCORPIONS, and it is a superb live album where you can fully enjoy the momentum.

GIRLSCHOOL lost momentum due to the route change of the next work “PLAY DIRTY”, but this work is stuck until just before that. They were full of the brilliance of NWOBHM, which Lars Ulrich admits. From rehearsals that were practiced innocently in rock classics to soundboard live that flew to the world as a metal sister. A two-disc set packed with treasures that are unique to the masters involved. Please enjoy yourself!

NWOBHMから生まれた女性メタルの草分けバンド、GIRLSCHOOL。前身バンドPAINTED LADYから名盤『SCREAMING BLUE MURDER』までの黄金時代を総括する秘宝集が登場です。

【DISC 1:PAINTED LADY時代のリハ(1978年8月:7曲)】
まず冒頭から関係者マスターの威力が爆発。彼女たちがまだ“PAINTED LADY”と名乗っていた時代のリハーサル・テープです。貴重音源らしいサウンドではあるものの、その中身は想像以上。ストーンズの「Jumping Jack Flash」「Let’s Spend The Night Together」やUFOの「Shoot Shoot」をカバーし、3曲の未発表オリジナル曲も演奏している。
それだけでもお宝ですが、さらにリハならではのムードも良い。LED ZEPPELINの「Rock And Roll」をモチーフにして練習を重ね、演奏の合間合間には可愛らしくはしゃぐ声が漏れ聞こえる。何しろ、当時は最年長のケリー・ジョンソンが数ヶ月まえに二十歳になったばかりであり、他は全員十代。とにかくバンドが楽しくて仕方がない若々しさが密室スタジオに充満しているのです。

【DISC 1:初期セッション(1979年10月14日:4曲)】
続く音源もスタジオ・セッション。バンド名を“GIRLSCHOOL”に改めた彼女らは、1978年12月にシングル『Take It All Away』でデビュー。その後、1980年4月から1stアルバム『DEMOLITION』の製作に入るわけですが、このセッションはその約半年前にあたります。
そんな初期セッションではあるものの、その中身はすでに“プレDEMOLITION”。アルバムに収録されることになる4曲「Not For Sale」「Nothing To Lose」「Baby Doll」「Emergency」の初期バージョンを演奏しており、仕上がりもプロフェッショナルならサウンドも一気に向上。オフィシャルのボーナス・トラックになってもおかしくない極上サウンドのスタジオテイクが楽しめます。

【DISC 1:BBC IN CONCERT(1981年:9曲)】
ここまではスタジオ・トラックでしたが、続くはいよいよサウンドボード・ライヴ。1981年初期に出演したBBCの名物番組“IN CONCERT”です。いわゆる“BBC SESSION”とは異なり、観客を前にしたコンサート・ライヴです。詳しい日程が分からないのですが、恐らくは2ndアルバム『HIT AND RUN』時期の出演と思われ、その中身は“プ生演奏版DEMOLITION”。すでにNWOBHMシーンで話題をかっさらっていた『DEMOLITION』からたっぷり7曲がブチかまされ、さらに『HIT AND RUN』に収録されることになる「Tush」「The Hunter」も演奏。この頃にはすでにMOTORHEADとのツアーも経験し、共演EP『St. Valentine’s Day Massacre』も製作済み。“MOTORHEADの妹”と言われた燃え上がるロックンロールをBBCサウンドで楽しませてくれます。

【DISC 1:レア・トラックス(ボーナス:2曲+α)】
ディスク1にはさらに貴重なボーナス・トラックも収録。「Nothing To Lose」「Race With The Devil」の別ミックスに加え、伝説EP『St. Valentine’s Day Massacre』リリースに伴うラジオ出演インタビューです。極上サウンドの別ミックスも最高ですが、やはり注目なのはインタビュー。「Please Don’t Touch」をかけながらキム・マコーリフとフィル・テイラーがヘヴィメタルについて語り合っています。

【DISC 2:レディング・フェス公演(1981年8月28日:9曲)】
代わってのディスク2に収められているのは、いよいよ黄金時代に突入したライヴ2種。最初は、当時のハイライト公演でもあった1981年レディング・フェスティバルに出演した際のライヴテイク。8月28日から30日までの3日間で開催され、なんと彼女ら初日のトリに抜擢。当時は『HIT AND RUN』のリリースから4ヶ月というタイミングだったのですが、かのスティーヴ・ハケットやBUDGIEさえも前座に従えていた。まさに黄金期中の黄金期を真空パックしているのです。
しかも、サウンドも極上。実は、これのみオーディエンス録音なのですが、そのクオリティは客録の常識外。ここまでスタジオ録音やBBC放送が続いてきたにも関わらず、まったく聴き劣りしない。芯もオンなら距離感もゼロ。盛大な大歓声も遠く、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませても「本当にオーディエンス?」と耳を疑うほど。そのクオリティで描かれるステージは、全英5位に輝いた『HIT AND RUN』の本生版。アルバム半分の5曲を披露しつつ、シングル『Hit And Run』のB面曲「Tonight」まで飛び出す。もちろん、熱演ぶりも凄まじく、キャリアのハイライトらしい燃え上がるヘヴィメタルが炸裂しまくっています。

【DISC 2:グラスゴウ公演(1982年6月3日:12曲)】
最後は再びステレオ・サウンドボードのライヴ。名盤『SCREAMING BLUE MURDER』発売4日前に行われたグラスゴウ公演のFM音源です。パンキッシュな爆走感からメタリックな攻撃性へシフトしたライヴは、まさに絶頂。収録された12曲は『SCREAMING BLUE MURDER』から半分の5曲、『HIT AND RUN』から4曲、『DEMOLITION』3曲のバランスで初期の超ベスト。演奏も格段に練度が上がっており、ここまでやや荒削りだったアンサンブルには重量感もたっぷりとまぶされ、もはや“MOTORHEADの妹”ではなく、NWOBHMの女傑としての風格も漂わせる。この2ヶ月後からIRON MAIDENやSCORPIONSのサポートとして全米制覇に乗り出すわけですが、その勢いが存分に味わえる極上のライヴアルバムなのです。

次作『PLAY DIRTY』の路線変更を契機に勢いを失ってしまったGIRLSCHOOLですが、本作に詰まっているのはその直前まで。ラーズ・ウルリッヒも認めるNWOBHMの輝きに充ち満ちていた彼女たちです。ロックの古典で無邪気に練習していたリハーサルから、メタルの姉御として世界に羽ばたいていったサウンドボード・ライヴまで。関係者マスターだからこその秘宝をパンパンに詰め込んだ2枚組。どうぞ、たっぷりとお楽しみください!

Disc 1(77:33)
PAINTED LADY (Pre-Girlschool)

Rehearsal Tape Recorded In August 1978
Personal Mike Recording

1. Jumping Jack Flash (Rolling Stones Cover)
2. Unreleased Song
3. Shoot Shoot (UFO Cover)
4. Rock And Roll Into Practice (Led Zeppelin Cover)
5. Unreleased Song
6. Let’s Spend The Night Together (Rolling Stones Cover)
7. Baby Doll Intro / Unreleased Song

Early Recording Session 14th October 1979

8. Not For Sale
9. Nothing To Lose
10. Baby Doll
11. Emergency

BBC Radio 1 ‘In Concert’ Recorded In Early 1981

12. Demolition Boys
13. Touch (Tush)
14. Midnight Drive
15. Breakdown
16. Take It All Away
17. The Hunter
18. Nothing To Lose
19. Race With The Devil
20. Emergency

Bonus Tracks

21. Kim McAuliffe & Phil Taylor Interview on 27th January 1981 ★Motorhead/Girlschool/Headgirl 「St. Valentine’s Day Massacre」のラジオプロモーション
22. Nothing To Lose Different Mix
23. Race With The Devil Different Mix


Disc 2(78:53)
Live at Reading Festival, UK 28th August 1981

1. C’mon Let’s Go
2. The Hunter
3. Victim
4. Breakdown
5. Nothing To Lose
6. Hit And Run
7. Tonight
8. Race With The Devil
9. Yeah Right


Live at Glasgow Apollo, UK 3rd June 1982
“Screaming Blue Murder Tour”

10. Screaming Blue Murder
11. The Hunter
12. Kick It Down
13. You Got Me
14. Race With The Devil
15. When Your Blood Runs Cold
16. Nothing To Lose
17. Hit And Run
18. It Turns Your Head Around
19. Future Flash
20. Live With Me
21. Take It All Away


Kelly Johnson – Guitar, Vocals
Kim McAuliffe – Guitar, Vocals
Enid Williams – Bass, Vocals
Denise Dufort – Drums

Shades 1083

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