Kiss – Detroit 1976 3rd Night (1DVD

Kiss / Detroit 1976 3rd Night / 1DVD / Non Label

Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI, USA 27th January 1976 PRO-SHOT(BEST & LONGEST) 
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In addition to a huge group of soundboards, we have unearthed even video masters, and a series of people involved in our store that has shocked collectors all over the world. A full pro shot of the 70’s, which is the latest bullet, is now available!
“Performance in Detroit on January 27, 1976” is engraved on this work. It is a multi-camera pro shot that completely records the whole story. If you are interested in this article, you may think, “Official KISSOLOGY?”, But it is actually a completely different professional shot. In order to explain the meaning, let’s first unravel the activity summary at that time and check the position of the show.

・ January 7-February 22: North America # 1 (14 performances)
・ March 19-August 28: North America # 2 (74 performances)
“ALIVE! Tour”
・September 10-December 31: North America #3a (50 performances)
・January 23-March 28: North America #3b (35 performances) ← here
・ April 11-May 4: North America # 4 (13 performances)
・ May 13-June 6: Europe (17 performances)
・ July 3-September 12: North America # 5 (35 performances)
・November 24-December 30: North America #6 (22 performances)

This is the 1975/1976 KISS. There were five Detroit performances in the last two years, but especially at the beginning of “North America # 3b”, performances were held for three consecutive days. The professional shot recorded in the official “KISSOLOGY” is also at the same time, but it does not scratch with this work. Here, let’s focus on Detroit three consecutive performances.

● Detroit 3 consecutive days performance
· January 25 (first day: incomplete) ← *Official
・ January 26 (2nd day: complete version) ← * Official
・January 27th (3rd day: complete version) ← This work

… and it looks like this. It was recorded on the official “KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE” on the second day (January 26th), and it was on the first day (January 25th) that it was a bonus video of the Best Buy special edition. This work is a full pro shot on the third day (January 27), which is different from either of them.
“Full” is also an important point. As a matter of fact, unofficially, sound board audio and pro shot video have already leaked, but none of them are incomplete. So far, it has been plausibly told that “the master was physically damaged”, but it was a mistake. This work is the proof, and it is a complete version that is about 17 minutes longer than the conventional video. So what is the full set? Let’s sort things out here.

A messenger from hell (7 stations)
・Deuce/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin
● Others (6 songs)
・Jigoku no Sakebi: C’mon And Love Me/Hotter Than Hell/Parasite (*)/Let Me Go, Rock And Roll
・Kiss Hell: She/Rock And Roll All Nite
* Note: “*” marks are daily songs.

… and it looks like this. Detroit 3 performances basically have a common set, and “Ladies in Waiting” was played instead of “Parasite” only on the first day (January 25th).
In other words, this work is the same set as the second day of “KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE”, but of course the live performance is completely different. Moreover, the quality that draws it is super and superb. Since there is a momentary noise at the beginning, it cannot be said that “there is not even a single white line”, but it is almost zero just by saying “it is not completely zero”. There are really no dubbing marks, and it is not defeated by the official video on the second day at all. It’s more than that.
“Anyway, it’s too shocking.” Not only is it not formalized at all, but even the conventional outflow master is incomplete. The best and perfect master existed in “Detroit Day 3”, which has been said to be “the complete version has been lost”. The essence of this work is “a historical professional shot that allows you to fully enjoy the climax of the “ALIVE! Following the first visit to Japan professional shot, a new excavation video of a severe earthquake. Please fully enjoy the permanent preservation press DVD.

★ A multi-camera pro shot that completely captures the whole “January 27, 1976 Detroit performance”. The Detroit performance is three days in a row, and this work is the third day, which is completely different from the first and second days of the official “KISSOLOGY” recording. Moreover, it is a complete version that is about 17 minutes longer than the conventional outflow master. Moreover, the quality is super and superb. It is not lost to the official video on the second day at all. It is the birth of a historic professional shot that allows you to fully enjoy the climax ALIVE! Tour.

“ALIVE! Tour”
・1月23日-3月28日:北米#3b(35公演) ←★ココ★
・1月25日(初日:不完全) ←※公式
……と、このようになっています。公式『KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE』に収録されたのは2日目(1月26日)で、Best Buy特別版のボーナス映像だったのは初日(1月25日)。本作は、そのどちらとも異なる3日目(1月27日)のフル・プロショットなのです。
・Deuce/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin
・地獄のさけび:C’mon And Love Me/Hotter Than Hell/Parasite(*)/Let Me Go, Rock And Roll
・地獄への接吻:She/Rock And Roll All Nite
……と、このようになっています。デトロイト3公演は基本的にセットは共通しており、初日(1月25日)のみ「Parasite」の代わりに「Ladies in Waiting」が演奏されました。
 つまり、本作は『KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE』の2日目と同じセットなわけですが、もちろん生演奏はまるで違う。しかも、それを描き出すクオリティは超・極上。冒頭部で一瞬ノイズがあるので「白線1本すらない」とは言えないのですが、それは「完全ゼロではない」というだけでほぼほぼゼロ。ダビング痕の方は本当に皆無でして、2日目の公式映像にもまったく負けていない……と言いますか、デジタル加工されていないナチュラルな瑞々しさは、本作の方が遙かに上回っているくらいです。
 とにもかくにも、衝撃すぎる。一切公式化されていないだけでなく、従来の流出マスターでさえ不完全。「完全版は失われた」と言われてきた「デトロイト3日目」に極上・完全マスターが現存していたのは……。本作の本質はあくまで「絶頂の“ALIVE! Tour”をフルで楽しめる歴史的プロショット」なのですが、KISSの発掘史に詳しい方にとっては「定説を覆す衝撃」まで上乗せされるでしょう。初来日プロショットに続く、激震の新発掘映像。どうぞ、永久保存プレスDVDで存分にご堪能ください。
★「1976年1月27日デトロイト公演」の一部始終を完全収録したマルチカメラ・プロショット。デトロイト公演は3日連続で、本作は公式『KISSOLOGY』収録の初日・2日目とはまったく異なる3日目。しかも、従来の流出マスターよりも約17分も長い完全版です。しかもクオリティも超・極上。2日目の公式映像にもまったく負けていない……と言いますか、デジタル加工されていないナチュラルな瑞々しさは、本作の方が遙かに上回っているくらいです。絶頂のALIVE! Tourをフルで楽しめる歴史的プロショットの誕生です。
1. Introduction
2. Deuce
3. Strutter
4. C’mon And Love Me
5. Hotter Than Hell
6. Firehouse
7. She
8. Ace Guitar Solo
9. Parasite
10. Nothin’ To Lose
11. Gene Bass Solo
12. 100,000 Years
13. Peter Drum Solo
14. Black Diamond
15. Cold Gin
16. Rock And Roll All Nite
17. Let Me Go, Rock ‘n’ Roll

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